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This life moves unstop from one point whether we sleep or take care of ourselves. Life doesn't remain it changes over time. Today, yesterday, tomorrow, and coming soon will leave a record and give new posts. Should we dare to pursue yesterday's missed for tomorrow's more meaningful? The bravery that has a strong backup to stand with support from various aspects and directions, Kerna We do not stand ourselves in life. Each of the parties was given the responsibility to implement the trust.
The success of this program is based on how every element from the various spaces can be seated to make a decision. This decision became strong when the sector was sincere and open-giving suggestions and views. An overview of the importance of generations and the best benefits can be obtained. We must be the same standing strong and balanced to achieve this mission. Balance to safeguard the interests of generations, suggests the best direction for us and them. Never time we deny the economic and well-being of our lives. We are doing this program to ensure that the recommendations are to be the best posts for them, but we are remembered in history.

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What They Thing About Your Character

THIS IS REAL.Businesses in export form indirectly build a wide network of networks, the network is spread beyond the socio-cultural limit. But he/she is involved in ethical areas of interest for all matters involving the business space. The relationship is directly or does not build an input space in all matters deemed necessary for the business. We will be exposed to a variety of information related to the ' system and with various views and suggestions '-input inputs to make up a path of profitability of the latest point of view of opportunities that will be a central opportunity that can be made by the data for us to use the opportunity and improvement. e.g. Arab race is a different way of life and a pattern of thought than the Nusantara race. When we enter our indirect Export business, we are exposed to a variety of useful information if we can benefit from the very good. -We are not only able to increase the export volume, the quality of the selling price. We are also exposed to the introduction of new product identification, and a variety of requests from buyers '. -When a company knows that we are a spice-buyer supplier will identify that we dominate the unique business areas ' many competitive demands ' and have always increased. If the relationship has been considered 10-20 years old. We get a ' code ' of confidence from the buyer as a Benefit- We are given several opportunities: which include business strength. -Here we do not sit as a ' market ', but also as a market partner with opportunities for business opportunities Our products are ready to select.Keep in mind when we get the network into the ' New Items ' field by the buyer we have to be prepared with Products that are valuable and volumes in the ' Export ' standard. His total range is in tens and hundreds of tones with shipment tables and orderly scheduled productions suitable to the network built by the buyer '. -This level is that we must have enough to be prepared with the choice because, if we consider the junk and lose the focus of ' its chain of touching buyer-the importer-Whosale-The user-we will spoil a network of the unique network that is now. -Experience of getting 90/MT erode turmeric from ADABI CONSUMER per month- and almost 1000/MT Peryears-' IS a REAL EXAMPLE EXPERIENCE on trade bis – relationship and demand. This is an example of a variety of business relationships that develops well in the relationship of ' trust ' from the responsibility of their respective parties. Opportunities such as these are not easily available. The character of expressed and implied character behind the business relationship is to support the strengthening of the major business fundamentals. HIGH FACTOR FACTORS PROMPT SCHEDULE VOLUME VALUE TRUST FEEDBACK UPGRADE UNIQ SUPPORT COMMUNICATE CONSISTENCY BETWEEN THE KEY CHARACTERS ' IN THIS BUSINESS SPACE. FROM HERE WE CAN MAKE AN ACCURATE AND SECURE ASSESSMENT.The Product Area is a work and revenue field that provides volume and sizes Area to the demand area. Every exporter will study how the volume and size area has a big impact on the demand area. It is important to evaluate BRAND OPTION. The excessive size area will create a supply competition. [Good value is an improved quality long-term improvement of its product-in-length and the desired option will survive and remain.] The negative effect is that the dumping of supply has resulted in the negative competition of falling prices, decreased highs, and failure to endure. At this stage, the field management system by all parties is very necessary. The work ethic of its product rules should be provided Information from requests must be confirmed. Before action.Demand Area/market. The Buyer of quality will adhere to the rules and promises of the MOU between buyers and suppliers. The buyer routinely follows the MOU.   Supplier field information will improve the confidence of the buyer- Need to be understood the property or other non-quality field characters will not last long- The quality supplier will make ' blocked ' so that they are not fooled by the field characters. Quality buyers will not be affected by the character of the field and always meet the standard of consumer needs that have been built and understood. The important element of all the field characters is taking all the field inputs to form the immune system from all the data so that the symptoms of the field symptoms are less intelligent and quality and learn things that can help overcome the problem of DUMPING ISU. Solutions that are more advanced in the field and wise solutions to be shared with all suitable sharia. Therefore, it is hard to check the priority observations in an adequate space to examine all possible possibilities in the effort. Because small mistakes will immediately exceed the bar and hit back all the imperfect preparations, then collapse all the challenges. Eg: it is too affected by the system pattern volatility that is affected by speculation to be among the causes of the field of its corners. The Kerna of the Field has its character and a range of real and abstract characters. The non-quality field characters have the properties of dropping attacks and taking advantage. This element becomes the tsunami of the field Player and ' same are equally rolls ' loss.Product Area Quality relationship between the Product area and demand area can be made in 2 ways. In the World, Trade buyers form a Transaction world system on the simple fast-safe concept. Therefore, the buyer is very careful in forming a ' trustworthy ' network. The relationship that formed between the demand area and the product area is so familiar to back up useful input communications to be among the important elements of the line of linkages to ensure that the network is not broken and living in the appropriate field and time. It became more ' unique ' as existed in spice trading. When there is a rival in this network-the field's character will endeavor to defend the space to fight and conquer as it happens during the British Portuguese-Dutch days – wanting to dominate the competition. The greedy nature of the monopoly occurs until they are willing to share the area right ' His final oppressed and the colonization. It is so part of the element nature/car piece of the field that occurs from the form of a transaction that is not quality and charismatic. WHEN THE WELL-BEING IS NOT ACCORDING TO 'THE SHARI'AH' AND DOES NOT RETURN TO THE RIGHT. However, if the DEMAND AREA can receive a better quality relationship from trading with a more reliable business culture. Binding on mutual understanding and safeguarding will exist. In this contract, we must use the best possible honesty of confidence in a certified revenue relationship system. When we give a proposal about the BRAND NAME of PRODUCT example: AGRICULTURE TRADE CONTRACT. The demand area has already absorbed the meaning of explicit and implied-in-law and the spiritual system is formed and can be in analysis. All data will out the appropriate data and facts. To produce fast quick veins results. Therefore, I see a space that is tolerant and open in bis trade This is not just a fast transaction – but also to make it more attractive trade bis and have a living appreciation. It forms better quality fresh, However, in the principle of relationship there is a buyer ' demand area ' and is ready in every decision-making. Therefore we are entrusted with the need to take care of the situation and the space of trust to be in the appropriate circumstances of the product and demand area. Product Area Quality relationship between the Product area and demand area can be made in 2 ways. In the World, Trade buyers form a Transaction world system on a simple fast-safe concept. Therefore, the buyer is very careful in forming a ' trustworthy ' network. The relationship that formed between the demand area and the product area is so familiar to back up useful input communications to be among the important elements of the line of linkages to ensure that the network is not broken and living in the appropriate field and time. It became more ' unique ' as existed in spice trading. When there is a rival in this network-the field's character will endeavor to defend the space to fight and conquer as it happens during the British Portuguese-Dutch days – wanting to dominate the competition. The greedy nature of the monopoly occurs until they are willing to share the area right ' His final oppressed and the colonization. It is so part of the element nature/earpiece of the field that occurs from the form of a transaction that is not quality and charismatic. WHEN THE WELL-BEING IS NOT ACCORDING TO THE SHARI'AH AND DOES NOT RETURN TO THE RIGHT. However, if the DEMAND AREA can receive a better quality relationship from trading with a more reliable business culture. Binding on mutual understanding and safeguarding will exist. In this contract, we must use the best possible honesty of confidence in a certified revenue relationship system. When we give a proposal about the BRAND NAME of PRODUCT example: AGRICULTURE TRADE CONTRACT. The demand area has already absorbed the meaning of explicit and implied-in-law and the spiritual system is formed and can be in analysis. All data will out the appropriate data and facts. To produce fast quick veins results. Therefore, I see a space that is tolerant and open in bis trade This is not just a fast transaction – but also to make it more attractive trade bis and have a living appreciation. It forms better quality fresh, However, in the principle of relationship there is a buyer ' demand area ' and is ready in every decision-making. Therefore we are entrusted with the need to take care of the situation and the space of trust to be in the appropriate circumstances of the product and demand area.Product SupplierBuyer to assure ' Brand ' and consistent product supply.A supply schedule system tailored to the request.Management that takes care of its supply of products and transmission.BuyerBuyers became important proponents – in managing payments.Buyer is a boost of socio-economic relationships to provide information on important data in increasing efforts and drive Supplier scheduling product-These data can be COMMUNICATED TO FARMERS.This Data helps farmers maintain high volume and quality efforts.​





















The core strength of a cluster is that it is from the extent that they can be in the movement of activities and methods of administering the resources, with the basis of its existing abilities. The consolidation is formed from a highly collaborative network of moral values, having principles of rules and details of particulars and matters that can be enjoyed by the best results and returns within a certain period of time.

The choice results and returns that make the cooperation in the form of the Union have to be defended with the strength of regulatory behavior and protected by law.
' Cooperate ' This cooperative will not only be able to create a strong system NETWORK, to ENHANCE the thinking and high quality of socio-cultural and economic activities for their being regulated and accountable but will also be able to implement the group's aspiration to enjoy the well-being of life. Co-operative societies will control the morale of our properties suitable as weak servants. Co-operative societies will generate all good values to be enjoyed in the form of RIGHTS with the high- quality value that is fully moral. As we are the ' falling Up ' system of cooperative societies on a cluster is not due to its principle and concept, but less to the individual value or group of the co-standing of the cooperative. Therefore, changes in conversion screening or adding value will always be appropriate as the individual is not all perfect-without reducing the right value, should we dare at true value. Dare to allow and share space, so that the value of cooperation and the Union can be certified and certified and honored.
The actual value height is our awareness and willingness to accept the deficiencies and respect the height that different PCs fit the space and time. The concept and principle of this make cooperation and the Union increasingly resilient and capable of giving rise to high-quality returns with the quantity and quality that are hopeful to all without walls or position limits. It will spread into a quality group of moral identity and its knowledge by becoming a WELL-BEING. For this awareness, we consider KOPERASI is a suitable CORE and our choice to lead our community groups. So we feel that the responsibility is located throughout the soul and the energy standing and responsible for us and our generation. So strong we DO NOT become a person who is broken down BY ONE OF THE POWER ENDING IN CERTAIN INTEREST with the symbol.

Knowledge is a tool of the mind, the tool is derived from the mastery of the field taken, the knowledge of having a wide range of appropriate and balanced, based on areas. It has laws and regulations, has certain limits to safeguard status and accountability. However, it will continue to evolve according to the background of life needs and background changes. The foundation is so that when we enter a space Or field, there is no disorder of data or fact that should be the source reference. Significant errors can occur in the action and result taken if we do not comply with the basic knowledge requirements of the field. The knowledge regulations will also control the actions of the individuals entrusted with the responsibility of implementing a project. Eg: when we implement GREEN BASED INTELLIGENT FOREST SPICE. Although the pronunciation includes an area that extends to all aspects of the eco-system of nature, we must comply with the rule of government, as there is a medication of possible government rules that are on a basis to conflict with the goals of the program but have things that we cannot touch and become the secret of the government. A good thing about how with all the knowledge we have, making it something possible. Make adjustments and no disadvantage to any party.
Likewise, when we choose THIS PROGRAM. This program is planned for a wider space encompassing socio-cultural and economic needs, environmental well-being, and assisting the system eco-environment. In this Program knowledge, technology, history, humanities, culture, thinking direction change, and social responsibility, are placed in a space on the main headline of the BUSINESS. It seems that it's out of commercial space, but this is the expansion that we have to think about and understand, that in the era of space change, the changes are increasingly limiting the place, and all should be shared. All should benefit because there will be some chance we work in Africa but reside in Indonesia. Space is getting smaller as the need increases. Should we think, the next generation is seated to discuss the sharing of the ability to become a geographic product manufacturer? This is the preparation of knowledge and technology as well as the mentality that should be in the era of life forward to each of us when implementing a plan. Preparation of the basic capabilities that will form the space of the field, not as a result of the policy of realism and Monopoly. We have to be confident that this foundation will bring THE PROGRAM TO BE VALUABLE AND MUST be SUCCESSFUL. If each party is seated to make a decision, it is able to offset the need from each angle, there is no obstruction. This is a uniqueness that can give hope to our front and our generation. Business-based programs, well-oriented for all. We believe all will uphold, no prejudices clusters, drop and make this program lost.
Consumers will get quality goods, market prices will be balanced. If it is suitable and orderly, users can visit, and see their own place, from which the outcome they get, for them. It should be our care and take the effort to keep input like this, to ensure we simply know the programs we hold.



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GREEN-BASED INTELLIGENT SPICES FOREST PROGRAM will be an adaption to all directions for goals adaptation and dreams. We will use all-natural resources, solar energy, and air-water as a clean water source and will also use natural resource methods for the nutrition supply of agricultural areas, and plant needs. This method will apply to the genocide of their own understanding of the program's aspiration.
The technology is based on requirements such as the provision of solar energy centers, information technology to collect data needs, as well as to detect the development of appropriate knowledge for the importance of maintaining the environment. We want the generation of resources to suit the needs of this program. We believe in accordance with the background, history, and socio-economy of the next generation will understand this desire and be ready to stand with knowledge.

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The structure for future mindset power.

Looking at them honestly, sitting on the hope, we become a call to evaluate the meaning of our struggle. This struggle is the basic stone of hope that is photographed on their plain face. Therefore, this responsibility and trust should be built with morals and wisdom. It must be built with knowledge and technology. The program should have a foundation suitable to mold the desire and hopes so that they can be on the right track to continue the move.

Do you need help making important decisions? Contact me today and let me put you back on track.

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